Industry consortia bring together the various players in the integrated photonics ecosystem. They connect industry with academia, strengthen the supply chain and streamline the passage of PIC technologies into the market.
The PhotonixFAB consortium aims to establish a European photonic device value chain from design to high-volume manufacturing. It involves support for heteregeneous integration, offering micro transfer printing and direct bonding technologies of materials like lithium niobate, germanium and indium phosphide onto silicon nitride and silicon photonics. The project includes partners such as X-FAB, Ligentec, Smart Photonics, Nokia and Nvidia, and is supported by Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU), with funding from the EU and the national authorities.
Under the umbrella of NXTGEN Hightech Dutch hightech companies are developing new technologies, machines and manufacturing processes for a number of applications. The initiative is co-funded by the National Growth Fund. PHIX participates in three projects: inlite, One-Stop-Shop, and Lab-on-Chip.
HiCONNECTS is a large consortium of 64 partners aiming to transform the centralized cloud platform to decentralized platforms which include edge cloud computing in a sustainable, energy-efficient way. The role of PHIX is to develop advanced packaging techniques towards co-packaged optics, and to integrate and assemble the co-packaged demonstrator module.
The PIXAPP consortium, led by Ireland’s Tyndall National Institute, aims to increase the level of standardization in photonics assembly. By developing generic packaging solutions, the design and manufacturing costs of integrated photonic modules are reduced and their market penetration is increased. PHIX is a main industrial scale-up partner for PIXAPP and supports the consortium by developing standards for cost-effective PIC packaging. As part of the pilot line program, we bring these new solutions to the market.
ePIXfab is an alliance of organizations that promotes silicon photonics science, technology and applications in Europe. It promotes a fabless model for the development of silicon photonic circuits, based on the electronics industry. Having a foundry model for photonics packaging, PHIX fits very well within this infrastructure.
PhotonDelta is a growth accelerator for the Dutch integrated photonics industry. Their team of experts actively supports its partners by providing them with access to funding, knowledge, and a wide network of companies and knowledge institutions. With the addition of PhotonDelta as a shareholder and financer, PHIX further secures its position as a leading packaging and assembly foundry within the European integrated photonics ecosystem.
IVAM is The International Microtechnology Business Network, operating out of Dortmund, Germany. This network organization connects professionals in the high-tech industry and supports them in bringing innovative technologies and products to market in order to gain a competitive edge in international competition. IVAM unites people who are excited about key enabling technologies and the way these technologies shape our daily lives and our future.
Our region of Twente has a long history in fine mechanical assembly and automation ever since Philips started building its lighting components here. In addition to this rich infrastructure, the Fraunhofer Project Center at the University of Twente facilitates the transfer of current research in advanced manufacturing directly into industrial practice. Our collaboration with Fraunhofer IPT delivered the first automated fiber array assembly machine to our factory.